The Ultimate Stylish LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants
Sol-Leaf is the world's first indoor LED grow light that combines professional-grade light spectrum with a stylish design. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting to grow plants indoors, Sol-Leaf provides the optimal light spectrum for your plants to thrive.
One Light, Many Uses
Sol-Leaf is a versatile LED grow light that not only satisfies a wide range of indoor gardening needs, but also adds a touch of style to any living space. With its sleek and modern design, adjustable arms, and energy-efficient LED technology, Sol-Leaf is the ideal lighting solution for a variety of indoor environments. Its professional-grade light spectrum ensures healthy and vibrant plants, while its slim profile allows it to fit into tight spaces with ease.
Versatile Lighting For Any Occasion
Sol-Leaf's LED plant light is a versatile and customizable solution for all your indoor gardening needs. With its adjustable lamp height, timer settings, light intensity, and bulb head adjustment, Sol-Leaf is perfect for any type of indoor plant and growth occasion. Whether you're growing herbs in your kitchen, or cultivating a variety of plants in your living room, Sol-Leaf's precision lighting and expert design will optimize plant growth, allowing you to enjoy a lush, green oasis in the comfort of your own home. Experience the full range of features with Sol-Leaf's LED plant light and upgrade your indoor gardening game today.
Professional Light Design
With over a decade of experience in designing LED products, we have brought our professional expertise to the creation of Sol-Leaf. Our design process has resulted in the integration of all essential components, a high-performing LED bulb that boasts exceptional light efficiency, thermal performance, power performance and even remote control capabilities.
*Sol-Leaf's adjustable spectrum and intensity settings allow for optimum lighting for any plant. Specific heating and watering requirements may make it difficult to grow certain species indoors.
PPFD Profile
The Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) measures the light that actually reaches your plants. Check the execptional PPFD values below that Sol-Leaf generates in different spectrum modes.